Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to Blogging

Hello there.

I am back in the blogosphere! My blog may or may not be as exciting as before.... seeing as I am in America this time! Have no fear, life through my eyes is never boring. Hopefully my blog will help you see that.

I have my best friend Lisa to thank for this blog. Yes you, Lisa. Though she doesn't know it, she is the reason I just started up this blog. I was reading her blog about moving to NYC and wanted to comment on it. However, I didn't want to do so anonymously. My course of action was to start my own blog. So, thanks Lisa. (She can't take all the credit though. I have been considering starting a blog, she just gave me no choice.)

My current situation is as follows. I am graduating in May. My current course load is a little heavier than usual, but I am loving it. I am excited/anxious/taken aback by my fast-approaching graduation date. I can't believe these last four years have flown by so fast. It's been a treat though, I have to say. I am looking for jobs all over the country right now. I've been conjuring up plans with Lisa to move to NYC, dreaming of moving to Chicago, and considering staying right here at home. At this point in time, my life has no real direction which is exciting and a bit unnerving. I'm realizing though, that I will be successful wherever I land. It just may take me a little longer than I'd like to land there.

OK, now for the great news! I got a new dog named Macy that is the current love of my life. I will post pictures as soon as I have some on my camera. My cell phone is making all other cameras in my life obsolete, but I'll have to get back in photographer mode so you all can see my little girl. Yes, I am a bit obsessed. She is my baby. Macy's story is a bit unique. She was bought by my boyfriend Blake's roommate, Jon. He really wanted a dog at the time, and I wanted the perks of a dog without the commitment seeing as my life has no direction as stated above. Well, we adopted Macy, and I was going to be the stepmom. That didn't necessarily work out. Macy quickly became attached to me (I think it's because I love her the most), and so I have become her official adoptive mother.

The really interesting thing though is not only did she become attached to me, she is literally petrified of Jon. I have never seen anything quite like it. She is scared to death when he is around, but he's never hit her or anything.... We are working to correct it, but it's a work in progress to say the least. The guys say that her personality changes completely when I am around. She gets so excited when I come home, and that's what I love the most. Blake is becoming more attached to her too. I think it is so cute that he loves her, and it makes me love him even more.

Okay, that's my background for now. I'll update soon.

1 comment:

  1. You're very welcome, glad I could be an inspiration, lol. I had no idea you "officially" adopted Macy, how exciting! You are going to be a great mother, of course. Glad everything is going well, can't wait to read more!

    Welcome Back!! :)
