Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Doin' Big Things

If there is anyone that makes me more excited about who I am, it's Diane O'Byrne. She is my professional presentation skills professor, and every time I talk to her, she makes me feel so much better about my job search. She reminds me that I do have real-world experience, which can be far more relevant than internships, and that I am basically a highly-desirable employee for any company. WOO HOO! Someone else thinks I am as awesome as I do. Just kidding, sort of. Such s relief.

I just gave a 10 minute presentation about... ME! It was basically a brief history of Val Gunn. I used Keynote (basically PPT for Macs) for the first time, and I liked it a lot! Diane mentioned to me a few opportunities she thinks I would be good for, and I am going to get more info from her. She also asked me to introduce our guest speaker for next week's class because she will not be there. She said she really wants me to meet him because he is a great contact. She warned me that he will probably try to hire me. HELLO?! Please do! I'll keep you posted.

Let me tell you about Campaigns. PINK TEAM FO' LIFE, BABY! I really like my team. We work so well together, and I am soooooo grateful for that. We have just been generating more and more ideas and building off of each others' ideas. I am so excited. Like you said Drea, it really is kind of an internship in and of itself. I feel like I am really getting prepared for real work, which I love. Today we are meeting with Kerry Benson! And for those of you that know her, exciting, right?! BTW, she follows me on Twitter. How bomb is that? BOMB!

Okay, I have to do some message delivery research. Adios Amigos.


  1. I just knew you would love Diane, she's fantastic. Her and Kerry are my favorite J-school Profs! ;) And just to let you know, I have a few people that make me feel great about me and one of them is YOU! ;) You always make me feel so good about myself and I probably don't thank you enough, so thank you!
    I'm glad your presentation went well, sounds like you and Mac are doing great! Also, take advantage of all the networking opportunities you have, you won't be sorry!
    It is so great to hear that Campaigns is going well! I hope it continues to do so!'
    Great chatting today, I miss you!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are being reassured of how awesome you really are. Part of the reason I loved the J-School is because I felt like they truly cared about me and my future. I didn't feel like it was crap or useless, I felt like I was going to learn the skills I needed to be successful and I did. Part of the reason why others don't find school useful is because they expect a piece of paper to get them the greatest job. Personality, drive & a willingness to do anything gets you where you want to go along with a degree. Some don't understand that a degree is NOT an entitlement and I'm so glad you have a great drive. You'll be great!

    Also-I love Kerry. It is totally awesome that she's following you on twitter! As Giuliana Rancic would say, "AMAZEBALLS!" Ha!
