Monday, March 8, 2010

Mid-Semester Crisis

Wow... I've never had this intense of a week for midterms, ever I don't think. I have a HUGE midterm for my Western Civilization class that is just utterly unbearable. I am studing now. I cannot wait until 11 AM tomorrow. I'll be allll done with it :)

On a lighter note, I'm staying at home this week to babysit Aubby because my parents are in PUERTO RICO. Bomb, I know! Katie is with her boyfriend, Jimmy, in uhh, well Mexico. I'm not entirely sure which town. What I am sure about is that her pictures that she's sent are beautiful, and I was once again reminded of how small the world truly is. Katie shows up to her resort in MX and when they sit down at the bar for a drink, she literally recognizes the bartender. Yes, it is the same bartender that served us at our resort in Cancun over NYE '08 (which will go down in history as the best new years of my life, thumbs up senor frogs).

Well, this has been a nice study break. Thanks for tuning in. I'll be back next time with more interesting stuff.

Oh yeah, I am now the resident expert on CSU for Campaigns. That means that I will get to travel to CSU to observe its implementation of a plan to curb toxic drinking. Also, we got scooped. LJ World did a piece on UNL's drinking campaign which we were using. Low blow, right? Oh well, we will rise above (and go beyond) that :)

Happy new jobs and vacations to all my followers :)

1 comment:

  1. Midterms my senior year were the WORST, but you do what you can and get through them! Good luck, I know you'll do great. PR, MX, Linwood, KS? NOT FAIR to you, lol!

    Hope your trip to CSU goes well, when is it?
