Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's been a while...

But more has happened than you think.

I've been a super busy bee for the last month. I went on my final Spring Break, my dauger ran away and was hit by a car, I worked my tail off for campaigns, I spoke with HR at VZW about potential jobs, and I did my normal routine.

I'll start with what was most devastating. Macy dog got hit by a car! No worries, she's OK (otherwise I'd still be in mourning), but it was scary. Let me backtrack a bit... On Friday, March 26th, I had plans to go out with my BFFs from HS Amanda and Nicci. However, those plans were cut awfully short when I got a call that said Macy had ran away. I sped to Blake's apartment as fast as I could just hoping not to see Macy injured on the way, and was informed upon my arrival that she had darted so fast no one had any idea where she had gone. So I drove around for an hour or so but to no avail. I finally retired and attempted to get a little rest.

In the A.M., I decided I'd check the Lawrence Humane Society. I called, and they checked the found reports and told me they thought they had her. Sure enough, it was Macy. She ran to the Beverely Hills of Lawrence, Kan. (Did I just write in AP style on my blog? I'm such a journalist) A kid in HS had seen Macy in the street, and he and his family took her in for the night. I'm so thankful! OK, so that was great.... but that's not the end.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention earlier that I got sick last month, too. So I went to work the following Monday, but I wasn't feelin' so hot. Well maybe I should say I was feelin' reallly hot, like fever hot. So my manager told me I needed to go to the Dr. to see what was wrong. While in the waiting room, I got the call of doooooom. That's the call that said Macy had been hit by a car and that she was peeing blood. I damn near had a heart attack. I thought for sure she was a goner. Little ol' Macy dog gettin' hit by a car doing 40.

After I saw the Doc, I was told to go home and rest. When I got home, Macy was all swollen and covered in blood, which reinforced my negative attitude. Lucky for me, I have a fantastic bf that makes me feel better when I'm sad. Blake came home and told me that everything was going to be OK and that Macy was a tough girl. After I spoke with the vet, I decided to take his advice and wait until the A.M. to take her in. That evening she stopped peeing blood and the swelling went down, so I didn't take her to the vet the next day, but I assure you, she was treated like a queen on her deathbed. It was the next day that the sad news came. Wednesday morning she couldn't walk. Well, her front legs did but her back legs, not so much. I had to take her home that day anyways as I was leaving for CO the next day (oh yeah, I was also on a national no-fly list last month) so I took her to my mom's and she took her to our vet for me while I was at work and school. Turns out, Macy is abnormal and has something weird goin on with her spine. In the end, she had to get doggie accupuncture and she's all better now.

OK, sorry about the detail. I know no one cares about Macy girl like I do, but keep in mind she is my dauger.

Now for the fun stuff. I WENT ON SPRING BREAK TO PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL AND HAD SO MUCH FUN! I went with my friend Katy Saunders, her friend from VA, my roomates and our friends. Katy and I drove down with Glenda, the GPS. It was an awesome trip. We had sooo much fun driving, stopping in local businesses and searching for locally brewed beers for Katy's bottle cap map. We also had a little troubs in PCB. The booking agency we used, which I will not name, did not reserve our rooms with the hotel. So, when we arrived, we were told we had no place to stay. After several hours of being jostled around, they found us a place to stay, but we had to split up into two rooms. I'd say we went from Hilton-esque to Super 8. The girls we were with complained a lot about it, but Katy, Alex (her friend) and I just laughed it off and headed to Coyote Ugly. Our hotel ended up being awesome for SB. Everyone there was so much fun, and we had free beer from 12-2 and a liquor store in the lobby. While I was there, I couldn't help but watch the way people were drinking. I was inherently doing ethnographic research for campaigns... It has fully consumed me! Well, I have lots of other funny things to say about the trip, but no one seems to think they're quite as funny as those of us that were on the trip. Oh, I will say I can cross being buried in the sand off my Bucket List.

On to the next thing... CAMPAIGNS! Well, my team is phenomenal to say the least. Pink Team fo' life, baby! We all work so well together, I couldn't ask for a better team. I'd say we are really fortunate seeing as how we didn't all know each other coming into the class. Everyone is a team player and a hard worker. We've been busting our tails trying to avoid the week full of all-nighters that seems to be inevitable. We present on 5/5 so it's quickly coming to an end. I'm sure my next post will be all about campaigns, seeing as that's what my life's all about these days, so I'll leave this here.

HR. Well I spoke with HR at VZW and didn't get good news. I basically heard that it would be possible to get into Marketing there, but it would take a few more years at my current location. I have decided that is not the route I want to take, so I have been exploring other career options. I have an interview with SPM Communications in Dallas, TX, for a 3-6 month internship on Friday. I am really excited about it. I've read about them before, but I am reading more and more about the company and I really like what they do. I mean, they do PR for food. I'm perfect, right? My family and close friends know the answer to that question.

OK, I am going to hit the sack. Long day tomorrow. I'll post more often, I promise.


  1. I had no idea Macy was hit by a car!! That poor little princess. Did she get out of the house again and just dart off into the road? I'm glad she's ok!

    Yay for a fun SB! I would've been royally pissed if the agency didn't book a hotel, but I'm glad you guys made the best of it.

    I cannot believe Campaigns is almost over for you. Having a team that is all on the same page and willing to put in the same amount of work that you put in is awesome! Half of the battle is learning to not take over when your gut feeling is to say, "I'll just do that" knowing good and well that it's because you don't trust anyone else to do it. I'm so glad that's not the case with your team. I'm jealous of the positive experience you're getting out of it. I felt so cheated during mine...I'll explain that later.

    Keep on keepin' on. It's almost over. Fistpump!

  2. Just catching up on La Vida de Val! ;) Glad Macy is ok and that you are keeping your sanity during campaigns, it always help to have a good team! :)
