Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post-grad Update

I still can't believe I'm done, but it is true. I have not been blogging, and sadly, I have no legitimate excuse.

I have been sleeping in, cooking REAL food, working and reading. That means, I am well-rested, and I only eat ramen noodles a few times a week. I am reading The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke by Suze Orman, which is remarkably interesting. It's teaching me a lot of things that I'd not have known otherwise. It was a grad gift from Aunt Patricia.

Work. Well I do have good news to report here! VZW is doing a staffing realignment so I am becoming a full-time sales rep as of June 1. I will be working in the Lawrence store 32 hours/week, and (drumroll please....) working for the Marketing Department for 8 hours! I will be working directly with the team on special projects. The first one is the Fiesta Mexicana in Topeka in July. I am so thrilled to be able to get some experience. I'll keep you all updated on my Marketing ventures.

As for everything else....

My graduation weekend/party/celebrations were awesome. I was so happy that Lisa came back and we got to walk the hill together. It was so exciting! We had so much fun being the last ones to walk down the hill on the West path, or so we thought. We tried so hard to be the last group, but apparently the East side of the Campanile had a much longer line so those people were rerouted down our side. It was a good effort though.

I will say it is nice to relax. I have more free time to do what I actually want. I have been learning how to use CS4, which is so much fun! I am starting a blog on the industry, and I plan on getting my own website up and running within the next few weeks. I'll be sure to link you all to the page!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Oh, I cannot even put into words how I am feeling right now. I am excited, relieved, proud, happy, sad, stressed, etc. Mostly, I'm happy and proud. OK, and excited. More than anything, I'M DONE!

I am officially done with all of my college work. I only have graduation and celebration left. Wow, I can't believe it. I did my final presentation today about the plan for the rest of my life. That was the last thing I did in college. It was a great kick-off to my life as a young professional.

OK, let's take a step back. Back to what seems like years ago.... CAMPAIGNS. Yeah, I'm all done. That's right. It is so great to be done. The Pink Team, or should I say The Revel Group, rocked the presentation. We got to go first, which means that the client could leave after our presentation and feel like they had all that they needed. It was an honor. We really wrapped up our campaign nicely. It got a little stressful, but we finished with ZERO all-nighters. On the Friday after our presentation, the university held a summit regarding our final campaigns. The university wants our logo! We are so proud. I am now ready to get out do it all again, only this time I hope I'll be paid for my work.

Graduation is this weekend. As of Saturday afternoon, I will be an official graduate of the University of Kansas J-School. woooooo-hoooooo! I'll update you on the festivities after they happen.

Jobs, jobs, jobs.....? I am excited that now I am going to have time to apply for jobs. That is literally what I am excited for. I'm excited for that. I am also excited to have more time to volunteer, to learn more about graphic design and to read more. Oh, I guess I'm excited for a little pool time, too.

I am ending a huge chapter in my life. A new one is beginning. I can't wait to get my career started. I will update you all soon. I promise I'll be a better blogger.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Blogger Tool

Alright fellow bloggers, as I was 'stumbling upon' today, I found a sweet blog widget. Lijit.com offers a search engine widget for your blog. It allows your readers to find what they are looking for quickly, and it allows you to see what your readers are looking for. The best part is it's totally free! It's a neat tool to add to the side of your blog to enhance your readers' experience.

I wanted to share this great widget that I found today with all of you. And... if you're not yet stumbling upon, you need to get started! What a great way to find interesting Websites and content!

I can feel the chains breaking

Short and Sweet.

Campaigns will be over this week. I am starting to feel my freedom. I'll post after presentations.

almost done... almost done... almost done... heeeeccccckkkkkk yes. real world here I come.