Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Oh, I cannot even put into words how I am feeling right now. I am excited, relieved, proud, happy, sad, stressed, etc. Mostly, I'm happy and proud. OK, and excited. More than anything, I'M DONE!

I am officially done with all of my college work. I only have graduation and celebration left. Wow, I can't believe it. I did my final presentation today about the plan for the rest of my life. That was the last thing I did in college. It was a great kick-off to my life as a young professional.

OK, let's take a step back. Back to what seems like years ago.... CAMPAIGNS. Yeah, I'm all done. That's right. It is so great to be done. The Pink Team, or should I say The Revel Group, rocked the presentation. We got to go first, which means that the client could leave after our presentation and feel like they had all that they needed. It was an honor. We really wrapped up our campaign nicely. It got a little stressful, but we finished with ZERO all-nighters. On the Friday after our presentation, the university held a summit regarding our final campaigns. The university wants our logo! We are so proud. I am now ready to get out do it all again, only this time I hope I'll be paid for my work.

Graduation is this weekend. As of Saturday afternoon, I will be an official graduate of the University of Kansas J-School. woooooo-hoooooo! I'll update you on the festivities after they happen.

Jobs, jobs, jobs.....? I am excited that now I am going to have time to apply for jobs. That is literally what I am excited for. I'm excited for that. I am also excited to have more time to volunteer, to learn more about graphic design and to read more. Oh, I guess I'm excited for a little pool time, too.

I am ending a huge chapter in my life. A new one is beginning. I can't wait to get my career started. I will update you all soon. I promise I'll be a better blogger.


  1. Congrats on being done! Sounds like your Campaign went really well...congrats! I know you are excited to find a job but i'll share the same advice with you that I shared with Lisa...you are going to be working for the REST OF YOUR LIFE so enjoy the time you have between college and 'the real world'!

  2. I couldn't be more excited for you! Congrats on being done. It sounds like your campaigns presentation went REALLY well, so GREAT to hear! Can't wait to have celebratory drinks together!
