Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post-grad Update

I still can't believe I'm done, but it is true. I have not been blogging, and sadly, I have no legitimate excuse.

I have been sleeping in, cooking REAL food, working and reading. That means, I am well-rested, and I only eat ramen noodles a few times a week. I am reading The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke by Suze Orman, which is remarkably interesting. It's teaching me a lot of things that I'd not have known otherwise. It was a grad gift from Aunt Patricia.

Work. Well I do have good news to report here! VZW is doing a staffing realignment so I am becoming a full-time sales rep as of June 1. I will be working in the Lawrence store 32 hours/week, and (drumroll please....) working for the Marketing Department for 8 hours! I will be working directly with the team on special projects. The first one is the Fiesta Mexicana in Topeka in July. I am so thrilled to be able to get some experience. I'll keep you all updated on my Marketing ventures.

As for everything else....

My graduation weekend/party/celebrations were awesome. I was so happy that Lisa came back and we got to walk the hill together. It was so exciting! We had so much fun being the last ones to walk down the hill on the West path, or so we thought. We tried so hard to be the last group, but apparently the East side of the Campanile had a much longer line so those people were rerouted down our side. It was a good effort though.

I will say it is nice to relax. I have more free time to do what I actually want. I have been learning how to use CS4, which is so much fun! I am starting a blog on the industry, and I plan on getting my own website up and running within the next few weeks. I'll be sure to link you all to the page!


  1. I still can't believe how fast the semester flew by! I am so proud of you and just know you're going to do GREAT things, even if they aren't in New York, lol! ;)

    Walking the hill together was awesome, one college memory I will NEVER forget!

    Love you doll, can't wait to see you in July!

  2. Congrats on the new opportunities at Verizon!
