Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Absolutely Unpredictable

Had you asked me one year ago today if I would be living in Brooklyn, NY, I would have said absolutely not! I mean... had you asked me a month ago I would have said probably not. But things don't always go as planned, and sometimes they work out way better than expected.

Before visiting Lisa in August, I had been looking around for jobs in New York City, but I hadn't had much luck due to not being immediately available for interviews. So when I arrived, I had zero interviews set in stone, and I knew that was not good enough for my planner friend Lisa. So the morning after I arrived, Lisa had to go to work so I stayed in for the morning and sent out some resumes. Thanks to Diane O'Byrne at the J-School, I know how to write a fierce cover letter, and that really helped me out I think. I heard back from several jobs and internships and set up interviews for Monday. Then I exhaled because I knew Lisa wasn't going to kill me and began enjoying my visit.

I met Jacey for coffee then we met Lisa. We went and saw a few things, I think... I'm forgetful, then had dinner and drinks near Stuy Town. I had a cosmo... I mean who am I? Carrie Bradshaw. (Tangent) I actually said the other day, "I mean, I'm actually better than Carrie. I love shoes, and I am not a fictional character."

Blake arrived the next day, and we all had a great time. That night we had a sushi date, which is one of my favorite things to do with the two of them separately so it was great for us all to be together. The next night Lisa, Alex, Blake and I went to Time Square. We ate dinner at a nearby restaurant and got to know each other a bit. After that, we went Jacey's place of work and received complimentary champagne--who doesn't love that? It's a really unique place, very exclusive. We saw Carmindy from What Not to Wear that night. It was exciting.

The rest of the weekend is a blur. We viewed some horrendous... oh yeah! That's what we did the night I got there... saw apartments in Manhattan. Lisa and I were not impressed. Then we decided to view an open house in Park Slope in Brooklyn. Katy was with us... I had told Leas I wasn't ready to commit to a lease because I had no income and no definite plan. It turned out to be perfect. It is an absolutely adorable apartment. It's the first floor of a 6-story walk-up, which is much better than the 5th floor apartments we had previously seen. It has a spare/extra room/office which I am currently using! Its perfect. Lisa has to walk through my room to get to hers, but I kind of like it. It's like we're hanging out all the time. I love that my friends have let me shack up at their place. I am actually sharing my room right now with Jacey, which I also love. It's kind of like college again... only this room is smaller... and I live with my best friends.

So back to the interviews. I had several, and they all went very well. I was offered two positions, one at Strategic Group and one at a dental spa. The Strategic Group position was an internship in my field, but it was unpaid. The dental spa was paid, not in my field, but would provide excellent experience. What was a girl to do? Take the internship. I love that it's in my field, and it's something I would never have the opportunity to do in Kansas City. I mean, I met celebs my fifth day on the job. I love it so far. I am getting great experience. I actually get to blog as a part of my internship!

I've also been interviewing at Patch.com, which is where Lisa works! I would be a Marketing Intern there, which would teach me a lot about a different aspect of the strat comm world. I'll hear back this week and keep you posted. I can't wait.

OK, bear with me. I'm almost done.

This past weekend was KS girls weekend in the city. It was perfect to say the least. I loved having my friends here. I am so fortunate do have stumbled upon this group of Braves that were kind enough, and let's be honest.. lucky enough, to welcome me into their friend group! We always have endless amounts of fun and laughs, and this weekend was no exception. Thanks to a friend of Jacey's we were legitimately treated like celebrities both Friday and Saturday. We had bottle service and free food to boot. It was so great, and we were so lucky to get to experience that part of NYC. I had to remind myself that I lived here this weekend. I caught myself thinking, "Maybe I should buy this for Blake to take home." Then I realized, I'm not on vacation. I live here. I live in New York, New York. Wait... what? Is this my life?!

It sure is, and I am loving it. It is hard to be away from Blake, my family and my dauger, but worth it. I am so glad to get the chance to live in NYC. Not everyone can/would/could move and make it here, but I can and I am. I'm missing some cravings and baby kicks, runaway ponies, algebra homework, wedding flower shopping, my boyfriends hugs and my dogs kisses, but I am living in the greatest city with the greatest girls in the greatest neighborhood gaining invaluable experience in my field. I am so fortunate to be able to do this. I thank my friends who are cutting me slack on my portion of the rent. I thank my family for the support. I thank Blake for putting up with me when I get a little crazy because I don't know how to handle being so far away. I thank Macy, in advance, for forgiving her momma for leaving for a few months. Most of all I thank myself for believing enough in myself and being able be spontaneous and gutsy enough to literally decide to move and pack my bags and be gone one week later. It was an unbelievably hard decision, but I couldn't pass this opportunity by. I am so glad I didn't.

I'll keep you updated more often. I mean this is the most expensive city in the world, and blogging is free. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on my accent.


  1. First let me just say that I LOVE the new blog design. Second, I'm so glad you moved to NYC and are enjoying your time there! I am so jealous of the experiences you guys are having!

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you my love...for finally updating. Both you and Lisa did. I'm a happy happy girl. The new background is totally you and I'm loving it. I'm so glad you took this chance. I truly think you will be so excited you did years and years from now. You'll have to keep us all updated on the celebs you're meeting, your favorite parts of New York and night life. I want it all sister! Keep on keepin' on :)

  3. Although I already knew all of those things, I'm still glad you updated your blog! It's nice to hear you reflect on how much you're loving life right now. I am loving it too and couldn't be happier to be roomies, in New York City!!
