Wednesday, October 27, 2010

72 Hours Never Seemed Shorter

This past weekend I hopped on my always-delayed-Frontier flight out of LGA and headed back to my roots. Because my wonderful fiance is the man (of my dreams), he was at the airport to pick me up with my sweet dauger Macy!

She remembered me, of course. I was very thankful for that. I am a bit of a worrier, and being that Macy can't figure out how to look at the screen when Blake and I Skype, I thought maybe Macy wouldn't recognize me. I was wrong! She loved me as much as ever. It took her about 2 minutes to warm up to me. I miss that sweet girl so much. I can't wait until Blake, Macy and I get to live together! Oh that time will come soon enough... Until then, let's get you caught up on the weekend!

Friday morning I woke up early and headed to VZW. I had to show of my ring obvs! I loved catching up with co-workers and getting caught up on VZW goings-on. I feel so out of the loop now that I am no longer working for the company. I miss it! After visiting for a while, I headed to Nicci and Brad's apartment. Man, it is nice! I couldn't help but think, "damn, this would cost 5 G's a month in NYC." I am so jealous of their place, but I mean I love our place in NYC. Nic and I went to Global Cafe on Mass St. for breakfast. It was delicious! After breakfast, I headed home and then to my grandma's house!

It was nice to visit with her and show off my ring some more. She told me how excited she was to have Blake in the family. I am so lucky that I found such a great guy that my family loves so much. At grandma's we raided her closet! I got some great vintage blazers that were my moms. I love them. After g-ma's house, Mom, Aubs and I went to Jen's salon to get my hair done!

Jen and I got to catch up, which was obvs great. We gave Jen my mom's old leather jacket for her birthday because I knew she would love it! I left there with a great head of hair and met Blake at home.

I went back to VZW to visit more co-workers before dinner in Lawrence. Blake, Kate, Jimmy and I had dinner at Bigg's BBQ. I got to meet Blake's boss which was nice because I've heard a lot about him. I was so spent from not being able to sleep the night before that I was ready for bed at 10pm. So that's what we did. Well... Blake started a movie and I fell asleep.

Saturday Blake and I went to visit Hannah Hashman and my aunt before we headed to the Homecoming game. It was great to see friends in Lawrence, but the game was not so great. That night Blake and I went back to Kate and Jimmy's house. We had a chill night there... well everyone else did... I was still having post-game fun.

Sunday we had lunch at Blake's parents house with his parents, my parents, his grandmother and brother. It was a fun in-law lunch. Again, I am so lucky to have found someone with such a great family that I am so happy to be a part of. We even figured out that Linda might watch my niece when my mom goes out of town!

Speaking of niece, I couldn't be more excited. I am literally thrilled to be an aunt and I just cannot wait until I am ACTUALLY an aunt rather than just talking about it. I am getting myself a nice camera so I can be the baby's paparazzi!

Sunday evening I had to head home. It was all too soon. I will say that as much I am loving New York City, Kansas is my home. I am happy to be coming back to Kansas soon enough.

Speaking of New York, things are going well for me here. I am enjoying both of my jobs. As I think I've already told you, I'm learning a lot. I am so glad I decided to come. Katy, Lisa and I hang out regularly. I really like our apartment and our living situation. It's so fun. I'll miss living with them when I'm gone!

Thanks for getting caught up, and I'll be writing to you soon!


  1. So glad you had a fun trip "home". I know what you mean about being excited to ACTUALLY be an aunt rather than talking about it. I could hardly wait for Carson to be born. I wanted to snatch him up as soon as I could.

    It was good seeing you. Take care!

  2. Sounds like you had a great weekend home. It was great seeing you!

  3. I'm glad you had a great weekend in KC, but I'm even more glad when you came back to NYC! ;-) I don't know what I am going to do when you leave me for good!?
