Sunday, February 21, 2010

Expensive Week

Yes, I got a speeding ticket. No, I am not happy about it. I got it Friday night on Mass. Street. I was going 40 in a 30.... yes, I know it sounds like I was totally being a speed demon, but it's so easy right there! I know two other people that have gotten tickets in the same spot... I mean, why is there a 30 mph speed limit on a four lane road? No good reason.... Oh well, I am just going to consider it a donation to the City.

I'm still getting used to this computer. These 'hot corners' things are a bit touchy but useful. I've been watching some tutorials on cs4, but I don't have any pictures on here so I've yet to actually try anything out. Money well spent, right? I am working out a way to get all of my info and pictures transferred off of my old computer, well... let's say previous computer because she isn't really old... and onto this new computer so I can edit pics and post!

Speaking of pictures, I took some cute ones of Macy to post on here.... However I always forget my dad has an xD memory card and not SD. That means I couldn't transfer the pics onto my computer to show you. Have no fear though, I'll take more. I really am in love with this little girl. I am now calling her my dauger... get it? Hahaha, yeah, I'm a little creepy, but I can't help it. Macy is starting to like Blake more and more, and well, I'd like to think she's making progress with Jon.

Tangent: Is it normal to name inanimate objects? Tangent #2: Is a car considered an inanimate object? I mean, it does move. And according to my parents, sometimes they move on their own without any provocation (that's how my car was allegedly wrecked into the trees at my parents').
OK, back to T1. Today at work I was mentioning how LaFonda the Honda does great in the snow, and then came the conversation about whether or not it's normal to name things like cars, phones, computers, etc. I thought it was normal, but then I thought it could just be one of those weird things my sister and I did/do. A HS-aged girl was there, and she said that all her friends had their cars named so I thought it may be a generational thing.... but some of my co-workers thought that was totally off seeing as they "would never name a car." So the question remains... is it normal?
Brody Jenner thinks so. Mid-convo at work, Twitter came to my aid.... Mr. Jenner tweeted about naming his new '68 Charger (if my memory serves me).. proving that people do, in fact, name their cars.... even boys... semi-famous boys....

Also, here's another rant of mine. Okay, Zarate sisters, don't be mad.... What is up with Kim Kardashian being the executive producer of a TV show??? Now, I may be a bit biased, but come on! There are so many people that are working so hard to get a job like that that are quite possibly more qualified, and she gets it. Yes, Blake's major is probably skewing my opinion, but I just think it's a bit ridic. I actually saw and article/comment (I get my info all mixed up these days) about how the Kardashian girls have just been working SOOOO hard, and that their hardwork is finally paying off for them... Now, feel free to scold me, but get real. I would love to travel around and make appearances all over the country... I don't know if I'd call that hard work though... OK, I'm done.

Well, I must say thanks to Andrea for tipping me off to a great new site that helps me personalize my blog. Decisions, decisions I must say. Also, everyone should follow my Mom's blog because she's the bomb. And if she has followers, she'll HAVE to update!


  1. Can I just say that I laughed multiple times throughout this post? First, bummer about the speeding ticket. I hate those! Second,I think it's so funny that you call Macy dauger. Very clever. Third, I know which tweet by Brody Jenner you're referring to and I am with you two...I think it's pretty normal to name your car. I laughed out loud reading how your car allegedly wrecked into the trees. That's hilarious!

    Now, you know how much I love the Kardashians' show and how I truly feel like maybe I belong in that crazy family because I say some crazy stuff, but...I'm with you on that one. I even tweeted saying that it was a good publicity move by the show to make her a producer just so her fans would watch. I know that her schedule is crazy busy, but come on...she gets TONS of perks and money to be ran around looking like a super model. Ya know?

    The blog is looking good I must say. I'm glad you took my advice :) Keep the posts coming!

  2. 1. Speeding tickets suck!
    2. Yay for learning more about Mac, you guys will be well acquainted in no time!
    3. Glad you and your dauger are doing well, I can't wait to see pics!
    4. I know lots of people who name their cars, including me. I miss Sylvia the cougar!
    5. I agree with Drea on the Kardashians. I love em, but I mean come on, they make bank for showing up and looking good. That's one hell of a job!
    6. I love reading your posts, makes me feel like I'm not missing out on too much! :)
