Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving in Framingham

This year my Thanksgiving was a little different. As flights skyrocket for the holidays because airlines don't like family gatherings, I decided I'd opt for a bus. And as a bus to KC would take days, I had to choose a closer destination. What better place than one with family and my favorite food of all time? There isn't one. Framingham, MA it was. My dad's mother and her mother live there along with my Auntie Judy and Uncle Louie and their daughters Gina and Angela.

It was my second Thanksgiving in Framingham--my cousin Abby and I went my senior year of high school. I'm always very happy to see that part of my family as I don't get the chance very often. I am also always always always ecstatic when I am able to eat my favorite food... CUPPELLETTIS. It's apparently a word my family made up. There are cappallettis, which are similar but have meat in them, and then there are cuppellettis. They are sort of like little dumplings in chicken broth. Cuppellettis have no meat in them, basically just cheese and bread crumbs. Sounds like a poor man's food, but they are absolutely delicious. No one left in Kansas City really knows how to make them so having them for TG was a true treat and instilled jealousy in all members of my family at home. We are all determined to learn how to make them because they are TO DIE FOR so I'll update you when we take on that task.

I was so glad I was able to spend more time with my sweet, sweet Grammy. Grammy is 97 and kickin'. She is so remarkable. She does not take on single pill and can manage to do nearly everything on her own. That's good, right? I've got longevity built in. My Grandma is in her 70s and she gets around just as quick as I do. We went into Boston for a day and she kept up with me no problem. I hope I am able to do that in my 70s. It was really nice to actually go into Boston. I had never had the pleasure to see the city, and after hearing my mom say how wonderful it was, I wanted to make the trip. We took the train in for a few hours and hit up the major sights. There is still much to see, and I'd love to go back. I'm hoping that we can all go back after the baby is born so we can get a picture of 5 generations of women. That will be amazing. I'm crossing my fingers for that!

I also had my first Black Friday experience. It was not too bad, and I got some great deals. There was no sales tax in Framingham on clothes so I had to take advantage! I did a little X-mas shopping for others, too, so don't think I was entirely selfish!

I will leave you with a few pictures. And no, I didn't grow. My Grammy is just that small.

Massachusetts State House
Grammy and me before I left.
Grams and Grammy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fam is Fab

Some how my mom and sisters ruby slippers got confused when they clicked their heels last Thursday. Instead of going to their respective homes, they ended up at my home! What a lovely surprise that was. OK, so it wasn't a surprise, but it was lovely. It is always nice to see family, and I love showing people I care about around my neighborhood.

Mom, Kate and Aubs arrived Thursday night... on time. Blake never seems to have that luck. I cleaned the apartment all up and lit candles to make the place smell great. We were all pretty tired and kept saying, "OK, we need to go to bed," but we accidentally stayed up talking until midnight. Girl talk!

Friday morning we all got up early. Lisa and I headed to work, and the girls headed downtown. Luckily, I was able to take a half day and we spent the afternoon running around Little Italy. We had lunch there and were all thoroughly stuffed. However, we literally could not leave Little Italy without desserts so we just had to suck it up and eat 'em. They were fantastic. I think all the Gunn girls have a sweet spot for Italian desserts based on our lineage, but anyone in their right mind would have loved these. A chocolate dipped creme puff filled with chantilly cream, a chocolate dipped cannoli, a regular cannoli and we'll call it a fruit pie due to my poor memory. Delish. After that we had to head up to Herald Square to pick up my ring that was unexpectedly done early. Now that was a nice surprise! No more rubber bands.

While we were up there, we went in Macy's. That was an absolute mad house. I know people come into the city to do their holiday shopping, but I think I'd leave. It is mid-November and you could hardly move. We did ride the original wooden elevators, though. I thought that was neat. They were much smoother than I'd imagined. We hurried out of Herald Square because of all the people.

It had been a long day so we came home and ordered in a pizza.

Saturday morning we slept in a bit. Our Grandma Gunn and Auntie Judy came up from Boston, which was a surprise, so we met with them in Time Square. We ran around uptown all day. We hit all the major sites including Rockefeller Center and the Bethesda fountain in Central Park. Even though we had already been to Time Square once that day, we had to go back to see it at night. They all concurred that it is much cooler at night.

One thing that was annoying this weekend was that there is subway construction on our train tracks so we had to take a shuttle. Why do buses seems like such a bigger hassle? After hustling it back on the bus, (side note: I literally had to pry the bus doors open with my hands. Another NYC first.) we grabbed burgers, fries and shakes at Flipster's. My family has a thing with 50s diners. If there's a 50s diner, we'll unintentionally find it. Flipster's isn't necessarily a diner, but it has the food and it's good so we had to humor ourselves. Then we had another low key night. I love those.

Today we just ran around Park Slope. We saw Prospect Park, Brooklyn Library, the Grand Army Plaza with the arch and did some shopping. I got some new winter boots-- waterproof and impermeable. I think they'll be great for the inevitable NYC snow storm.

Now my family has gone and left me. Alright, so technically I went and left my family but still. I'm sad to see them go, but I'll be home in three weeks so it's not bad. All in all it was a great weekend, and even though NYC is far less green than Emerald City, I think they had a good time. I know that I did. I'll leave with you some photos from the weekend.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Website

I just got my new custom domain set up. I am currently working on my personal website. I'll link you all to it when I get it launched, which should be soon! This is so exciting!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wine and a Camera

It always seems that my weekends are that much better when Blake is here. I guess that's why I'm marrying him. We had a good time playing with my new camera and spending time together.

Friday night we cooked in, which was an adventure. Blake and I living (and cooking) together will be an absolute adventure. That's just one of the many challenges we will face. Blake has a tendency to just throw things in the pan... and not that I'm Rachel Ray or anything, I just like to be the one throwing in I guess. It will be fun though. I'm into it.

Saturday we got ready for our housewarming/birthday party that night. We cleaned the apartment. Katy cooked up a storm. I made the rice crispies! We had the cutest set up for the party. We also had a lot of wine. I think our party turned out to be a success! Here are a few photos for you to enjoy. I'm loving my new camera.

After our party we went out on 7th Ave. That was fun seeing as it was our first time out in our neighborhood! On Sunday Blake and I headed up to Hell's Kitchen. We walked through Time Square. We had lunch at a really cute pub, which was delicious. We then headed over to Intrepid. There we saw a lot of cool airplanes, got to go on a submarine that carried nuclear weapons during the Cold War. The beds on it were so insane. I'm not even sure how they got in them, and how they didn't bonk their heads each and every day when they woke up. It was a beautiful sunny day so we got great views of Jersey. We could even see the Statue of Liberty! After that we headed to Washington Square Park because neither of us had ever been there. We wanted to see the Arch. We took some photos and headed over to the Pourhouse which is a KU and Chiefs bar in the city. Blake took some photos for his internship and we headed home. That night we relaxed and, much like last time, the morning came all too soon. Blake had to head back to KC and I had to go back to work. I miss him already. Here are some photos. There will be more to come next weekend as my sisters and mom come to town! YAY!

Those are the beds. WOW. Teensy. Now, these last few photos are just because I want to share them.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New York City First

I had another New York City first today. I had to hold the train doors open for myself. Yeah, I know. It may seem miniscule to a NYC native, but that was interesting for me! I've seen it in the movies, and now I can say that I've officially done it.

While writing this, I had another first. I just heard a huge cat/dog/creature fight. Loudest cat I've ever heard. Hands down.

I also purchased my first dslr camera today. You know what that means... MORE PICS! I know you're excited. I bought it so that I can take photos of my niece when she comes, but I figured I'd go ahead and purchase it now so that I can take photos in NYC while I am here as well. I can't wait to practice with my new toy!

Have a good day. Stay cool if you're in NYC, stay warm if your in Kansas and stay awesome everywhere.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

72 Hours Never Seemed Shorter

This past weekend I hopped on my always-delayed-Frontier flight out of LGA and headed back to my roots. Because my wonderful fiance is the man (of my dreams), he was at the airport to pick me up with my sweet dauger Macy!

She remembered me, of course. I was very thankful for that. I am a bit of a worrier, and being that Macy can't figure out how to look at the screen when Blake and I Skype, I thought maybe Macy wouldn't recognize me. I was wrong! She loved me as much as ever. It took her about 2 minutes to warm up to me. I miss that sweet girl so much. I can't wait until Blake, Macy and I get to live together! Oh that time will come soon enough... Until then, let's get you caught up on the weekend!

Friday morning I woke up early and headed to VZW. I had to show of my ring obvs! I loved catching up with co-workers and getting caught up on VZW goings-on. I feel so out of the loop now that I am no longer working for the company. I miss it! After visiting for a while, I headed to Nicci and Brad's apartment. Man, it is nice! I couldn't help but think, "damn, this would cost 5 G's a month in NYC." I am so jealous of their place, but I mean I love our place in NYC. Nic and I went to Global Cafe on Mass St. for breakfast. It was delicious! After breakfast, I headed home and then to my grandma's house!

It was nice to visit with her and show off my ring some more. She told me how excited she was to have Blake in the family. I am so lucky that I found such a great guy that my family loves so much. At grandma's we raided her closet! I got some great vintage blazers that were my moms. I love them. After g-ma's house, Mom, Aubs and I went to Jen's salon to get my hair done!

Jen and I got to catch up, which was obvs great. We gave Jen my mom's old leather jacket for her birthday because I knew she would love it! I left there with a great head of hair and met Blake at home.

I went back to VZW to visit more co-workers before dinner in Lawrence. Blake, Kate, Jimmy and I had dinner at Bigg's BBQ. I got to meet Blake's boss which was nice because I've heard a lot about him. I was so spent from not being able to sleep the night before that I was ready for bed at 10pm. So that's what we did. Well... Blake started a movie and I fell asleep.

Saturday Blake and I went to visit Hannah Hashman and my aunt before we headed to the Homecoming game. It was great to see friends in Lawrence, but the game was not so great. That night Blake and I went back to Kate and Jimmy's house. We had a chill night there... well everyone else did... I was still having post-game fun.

Sunday we had lunch at Blake's parents house with his parents, my parents, his grandmother and brother. It was a fun in-law lunch. Again, I am so lucky to have found someone with such a great family that I am so happy to be a part of. We even figured out that Linda might watch my niece when my mom goes out of town!

Speaking of niece, I couldn't be more excited. I am literally thrilled to be an aunt and I just cannot wait until I am ACTUALLY an aunt rather than just talking about it. I am getting myself a nice camera so I can be the baby's paparazzi!

Sunday evening I had to head home. It was all too soon. I will say that as much I am loving New York City, Kansas is my home. I am happy to be coming back to Kansas soon enough.

Speaking of New York, things are going well for me here. I am enjoying both of my jobs. As I think I've already told you, I'm learning a lot. I am so glad I decided to come. Katy, Lisa and I hang out regularly. I really like our apartment and our living situation. It's so fun. I'll miss living with them when I'm gone!

Thanks for getting caught up, and I'll be writing to you soon!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And with the drop of a knee...

Everything changes!

I could shout it from the mountain tops. I could have shouted it from the Empire State Building if I hadn't been in complete shock! I'M ENGAGED! I am so excited. I'm pretty sure I could not be more excited than I am. So now, to get you excited too, I'll tell you the story!

But first, a little background... I want to keep you waiting! Before I left for the city, Blake and I sat down and chose a weekend for him to come visit me. We both were prepared for our long distance relationship as we had done it once before while I studied in Spain, and we knew we would want to see each other as much as possible. To make things easier on Blake after I told him I had for sure decided to move, we bought a ticket so we knew for sure when we would see each other again. I was very much looking forward to his visit, but of course, he was delayed! It wasn't too bad though because Lisa and Allison were both flying out on the plane that Blake was flying in on so they kept me company for the majority of his three hour delay! When he finally got here, I was so excited to take him back to my apartment so I could give him a real tour of our place!

I also had another surprise for the Blakester! I didn't have to go to work on Friday so we would get to spend the whole day together. I thought this was great, but I came to find out Blake thought, "oh shit!" He had planned on doing some preparation that day, but in my world of proposal oblivion, I hadn't planned for that!

Friday we just ran around Park Slope and hung out. We had planned to go to the Empire State Building that night, but we postponed it for Saturday. Saturday morning we woke up. Well.. let me be clear. Blake woke up, and then thoroughly annoyed me until I woke up. By the time we got up and around it was 11 so we headed to Manhattan to watch the KU game. That was depressing so we left there to go shopping. Blake was oddly cranky that day, (I think he was under a little stress ;)) but we had a great day. Blake helped me finally find some boots that I have been hunting for! After I found my boots, we walked up Fifth Avenue and went to the Empire State Building. The line was sooo long! We waited for at least an hour and a half before we got up to the top, but I can now say it was totally worth it.

Once we got to the top of the Empire State Building, it was around 6:30. It was sunset. The city looked so pretty! I was a little shaky because it was chilly. Blake was a little shaky for his own reasons. We had made our way around 3/4 of the building and stopped to look out to the east. Blake mumbled something and the conversation went as follows:
V: What? Did you say 'do you know what would look pretty up here?'
B: No
V: Oh. Well I was going to say a big fat diamond.

It was the perfect setup!

And as I turned around to giggle at my comment, I noticed Blake was not towering over me as usual. I heard, "Babe. I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" So the obvious reply was, "uhhh yeah!" Then Blake stood up and gave me a million kisses! I was in total shock. I had been teasing him about proposing because let's face it, we're made for each other, but he had said literally the day before, "Val, seriously, no. Not 'til after I graduate." I think he was trying to keep me off his trail and it worked!

Once I had my beautiful ring on my finger I was so afraid to be up there. I just knew I was going to drop it! Blake called his mom, and we spent a little more time looking at the city. It wasn't until we were about to go down that I actually realized what had happened and started to tear up. My heart was racing, much like it does every time I look down at my left hand and see my ring. I have never worn a ring on that finger specifically so that when I got engaged, it was even more special. It feels so weird to have a ring there!

Now I'll keep the rest short, because I know that nothing compares to that. That night we went to dinner in Chelsea with Katy, friend and assistant wedding planner, and to Norwood. We had a champagne toast to start our engagement, but we headed home early. I had had a big day and was ready to snuggle up in my cozy bed... I mean futon. Sunday Blake and I went down to see the Statue of Liberty, hung out in Battery Park and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a perfect first day as an engaged couple. Alex took us to City Island to dinner that night. Blake and Alex are obvs bffs, so they love hanging out. City Island was a nice escape from the city. After dinner we headed to LaGuardia to pick up Lisa. It was nice to have her home!

Sadly, the next morning Blake had to leave at 5, and I had to be back to work. I was wishing my weekend with Blake could last a little longer, but I had to get back to my real life... in New York City! I still love that. I'll post a pic of the ring, but I don't think my iPhone does it justice! It's perfect for me. I am in love with it. More so, I am absolutely 100% in love with Blake. No one makes me happier. No one makes me giggle like he does. No one balances me out quite like he can. No one can make me feel better when I am mad, sad, stressed. No one ever, ever will. I used to be a little afraid of spending the rest of my life with one person, but now I'm more afraid of what my life would be like if I didn't get to spend it with the one person that I care about the most. Yeah, yeah, mushy I know, but if ever I can get away with a lovey dovey blog post, this is it! I'm in love, and I fall more and more in love every day. Signing off as the future Mrs. Kasselman, which is still weird, but I have two more years before I have to get used to that! Here are the pics.

Me right after Blake proposed.

Close up of my ring!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Movin' and a'Shakin'

I have good news! I have a source of income! I am now officially a paid intern, and the best part is... I GET TO WORK WITH MY BEST FRIEND. I am so excited. Details will come when they are available. As of now, all I know is that I start on Monday. I will continue to work at Strategic Group on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I could not be more thrilled with the amount of experience that I am going to get this fall.

Also, Lisa and I have started a running routine. My body is rejecting it. It seems I haven't been an avid runner in quite some time, but I am more than happy about getting back into it. I always love to run. Every time I am out running I think, "why do I let myself forget how great this feels?" I never have an answer. I hope I won't forget this time. Maybe I'll work toward a half-marathon.

I have to get. I have to run to the bodega for a few last minute items I need before I head off to D.C. for the weekend! I am so excited to visit Washington D.C.! I love my life right now. And to top it all off, BLAKE ARRIVES ON THURSDAY! I could not be more excited about that either.

Oh, OK. Last thing, I promise. I booked a visit home, and coincidentally, it's for homecoming weekend. I am so thrilled. What great timing. My life rules. So does yours, I'm sure.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Absolutely Unpredictable

Had you asked me one year ago today if I would be living in Brooklyn, NY, I would have said absolutely not! I mean... had you asked me a month ago I would have said probably not. But things don't always go as planned, and sometimes they work out way better than expected.

Before visiting Lisa in August, I had been looking around for jobs in New York City, but I hadn't had much luck due to not being immediately available for interviews. So when I arrived, I had zero interviews set in stone, and I knew that was not good enough for my planner friend Lisa. So the morning after I arrived, Lisa had to go to work so I stayed in for the morning and sent out some resumes. Thanks to Diane O'Byrne at the J-School, I know how to write a fierce cover letter, and that really helped me out I think. I heard back from several jobs and internships and set up interviews for Monday. Then I exhaled because I knew Lisa wasn't going to kill me and began enjoying my visit.

I met Jacey for coffee then we met Lisa. We went and saw a few things, I think... I'm forgetful, then had dinner and drinks near Stuy Town. I had a cosmo... I mean who am I? Carrie Bradshaw. (Tangent) I actually said the other day, "I mean, I'm actually better than Carrie. I love shoes, and I am not a fictional character."

Blake arrived the next day, and we all had a great time. That night we had a sushi date, which is one of my favorite things to do with the two of them separately so it was great for us all to be together. The next night Lisa, Alex, Blake and I went to Time Square. We ate dinner at a nearby restaurant and got to know each other a bit. After that, we went Jacey's place of work and received complimentary champagne--who doesn't love that? It's a really unique place, very exclusive. We saw Carmindy from What Not to Wear that night. It was exciting.

The rest of the weekend is a blur. We viewed some horrendous... oh yeah! That's what we did the night I got there... saw apartments in Manhattan. Lisa and I were not impressed. Then we decided to view an open house in Park Slope in Brooklyn. Katy was with us... I had told Leas I wasn't ready to commit to a lease because I had no income and no definite plan. It turned out to be perfect. It is an absolutely adorable apartment. It's the first floor of a 6-story walk-up, which is much better than the 5th floor apartments we had previously seen. It has a spare/extra room/office which I am currently using! Its perfect. Lisa has to walk through my room to get to hers, but I kind of like it. It's like we're hanging out all the time. I love that my friends have let me shack up at their place. I am actually sharing my room right now with Jacey, which I also love. It's kind of like college again... only this room is smaller... and I live with my best friends.

So back to the interviews. I had several, and they all went very well. I was offered two positions, one at Strategic Group and one at a dental spa. The Strategic Group position was an internship in my field, but it was unpaid. The dental spa was paid, not in my field, but would provide excellent experience. What was a girl to do? Take the internship. I love that it's in my field, and it's something I would never have the opportunity to do in Kansas City. I mean, I met celebs my fifth day on the job. I love it so far. I am getting great experience. I actually get to blog as a part of my internship!

I've also been interviewing at, which is where Lisa works! I would be a Marketing Intern there, which would teach me a lot about a different aspect of the strat comm world. I'll hear back this week and keep you posted. I can't wait.

OK, bear with me. I'm almost done.

This past weekend was KS girls weekend in the city. It was perfect to say the least. I loved having my friends here. I am so fortunate do have stumbled upon this group of Braves that were kind enough, and let's be honest.. lucky enough, to welcome me into their friend group! We always have endless amounts of fun and laughs, and this weekend was no exception. Thanks to a friend of Jacey's we were legitimately treated like celebrities both Friday and Saturday. We had bottle service and free food to boot. It was so great, and we were so lucky to get to experience that part of NYC. I had to remind myself that I lived here this weekend. I caught myself thinking, "Maybe I should buy this for Blake to take home." Then I realized, I'm not on vacation. I live here. I live in New York, New York. Wait... what? Is this my life?!

It sure is, and I am loving it. It is hard to be away from Blake, my family and my dauger, but worth it. I am so glad to get the chance to live in NYC. Not everyone can/would/could move and make it here, but I can and I am. I'm missing some cravings and baby kicks, runaway ponies, algebra homework, wedding flower shopping, my boyfriends hugs and my dogs kisses, but I am living in the greatest city with the greatest girls in the greatest neighborhood gaining invaluable experience in my field. I am so fortunate to be able to do this. I thank my friends who are cutting me slack on my portion of the rent. I thank my family for the support. I thank Blake for putting up with me when I get a little crazy because I don't know how to handle being so far away. I thank Macy, in advance, for forgiving her momma for leaving for a few months. Most of all I thank myself for believing enough in myself and being able be spontaneous and gutsy enough to literally decide to move and pack my bags and be gone one week later. It was an unbelievably hard decision, but I couldn't pass this opportunity by. I am so glad I didn't.

I'll keep you updated more often. I mean this is the most expensive city in the world, and blogging is free. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go work on my accent.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life as a lounger

Life certainly has been different. It's so relaxing nowadays. I really don't have much to update you on. I've been enjoying my part-time lifestyle that I've been missing since I was a senior in High School. I only have to work 30 hours a week. That's it. That's ALL of my obligations, right there. It's nuts.

I've been doing a few administrative tasks lately though. For example, today I put my resume on I figure I better start getting in contact with some people if I legitimately want to move to NYC. Lisa (what a surprise this is) has kicked into planner mode. She has been sending me apartment listings, U-Haul quotes, etc. It's actually quite exciting. Am I really going to move to NYC?! I hope so. I'm going full time in July, I think, to help save more money. As of right now, I am kind of banking on early September for the move. That will give me two and a half months to save, save, save so I will have a little bit of a cushion when I get there. Lisa and I have also been looking at 3 bedroom apartments for my friend Katy to join us. It would be SO awesome if we three lived together. All we would need would be a Miranda and we would be SATC. Lisa and I have already discussed who is who. I am proud to say I'm Carrie. Yeah, I like nice shoes.

I've also been making all the medical appointments I need to get taken care of before I get booted off my parents insurance! I am lucky that Verizon provides health insurance. If I don't move to NYC, come August, I will be covered by VZW.

OH! I do have a little bit to update you on. I've been working with the Marketing Team and it's so fun. I've been corresponding with people in the Governor's office. They are in charge of the Fiesta Mexicana in Topeka, and that is the event I am helping facilitate. I am really enjoying it. I am looking forward to assisting with other projects, which I think will be soon!

I went to the lake this weekend. Let's just say I cannot wakeboard. I can hardly drive my car my arms are so sore. On the other hand, I'm a decent tuber. But, let's be honest, how hard is tubing? We also took the 4-Wheelers out. That was fun, but scary. Blake is not a safe driver. And speaking of what Blake isn't, he's not a good co-pilot either! I had to drive down Saturday morning because Blake bartended Friday night. I was fine with it, no problem. Blake got the directions from Jimmy and just said head to 71 South. So I did, and I stayed on 71 South until Blake woke up. Here's how it went:
Me: Good morning. Nice nap?
Blake: (mumble, mumble, rubs the eyes) Where are we?
Me: Like 40 miles outside of Joplin.
Blake: We aren't going through Joplin.
Me: Uhhh, I think we are.
Blake: Well, did we pass Harrisonville?
Me: Yeah, like an hour or so ago.
Blake: Well, did you get off of 7 Highway?
Me: No! Was I supposed to? Why didn't you tell me?
Blake: Oh, hmm. I didn't think I was going to sleep that long.

So we decided I'm the navigator and Blake is the driver from now on, which still gets me a little nervous.

Well the sun just came out, and I am going to go for a walk with my dauger. Macy girl is a full-blown dog now. It is so nice to know that I took this dog out of a bad home, gave her lots of lovin' and turned her into a real dog! I wish I could do it more often, but one dog is really quite enough for me right now. Maybe later in life....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post-grad Update

I still can't believe I'm done, but it is true. I have not been blogging, and sadly, I have no legitimate excuse.

I have been sleeping in, cooking REAL food, working and reading. That means, I am well-rested, and I only eat ramen noodles a few times a week. I am reading The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous and Broke by Suze Orman, which is remarkably interesting. It's teaching me a lot of things that I'd not have known otherwise. It was a grad gift from Aunt Patricia.

Work. Well I do have good news to report here! VZW is doing a staffing realignment so I am becoming a full-time sales rep as of June 1. I will be working in the Lawrence store 32 hours/week, and (drumroll please....) working for the Marketing Department for 8 hours! I will be working directly with the team on special projects. The first one is the Fiesta Mexicana in Topeka in July. I am so thrilled to be able to get some experience. I'll keep you all updated on my Marketing ventures.

As for everything else....

My graduation weekend/party/celebrations were awesome. I was so happy that Lisa came back and we got to walk the hill together. It was so exciting! We had so much fun being the last ones to walk down the hill on the West path, or so we thought. We tried so hard to be the last group, but apparently the East side of the Campanile had a much longer line so those people were rerouted down our side. It was a good effort though.

I will say it is nice to relax. I have more free time to do what I actually want. I have been learning how to use CS4, which is so much fun! I am starting a blog on the industry, and I plan on getting my own website up and running within the next few weeks. I'll be sure to link you all to the page!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Oh, I cannot even put into words how I am feeling right now. I am excited, relieved, proud, happy, sad, stressed, etc. Mostly, I'm happy and proud. OK, and excited. More than anything, I'M DONE!

I am officially done with all of my college work. I only have graduation and celebration left. Wow, I can't believe it. I did my final presentation today about the plan for the rest of my life. That was the last thing I did in college. It was a great kick-off to my life as a young professional.

OK, let's take a step back. Back to what seems like years ago.... CAMPAIGNS. Yeah, I'm all done. That's right. It is so great to be done. The Pink Team, or should I say The Revel Group, rocked the presentation. We got to go first, which means that the client could leave after our presentation and feel like they had all that they needed. It was an honor. We really wrapped up our campaign nicely. It got a little stressful, but we finished with ZERO all-nighters. On the Friday after our presentation, the university held a summit regarding our final campaigns. The university wants our logo! We are so proud. I am now ready to get out do it all again, only this time I hope I'll be paid for my work.

Graduation is this weekend. As of Saturday afternoon, I will be an official graduate of the University of Kansas J-School. woooooo-hoooooo! I'll update you on the festivities after they happen.

Jobs, jobs, jobs.....? I am excited that now I am going to have time to apply for jobs. That is literally what I am excited for. I'm excited for that. I am also excited to have more time to volunteer, to learn more about graphic design and to read more. Oh, I guess I'm excited for a little pool time, too.

I am ending a huge chapter in my life. A new one is beginning. I can't wait to get my career started. I will update you all soon. I promise I'll be a better blogger.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Blogger Tool

Alright fellow bloggers, as I was 'stumbling upon' today, I found a sweet blog widget. offers a search engine widget for your blog. It allows your readers to find what they are looking for quickly, and it allows you to see what your readers are looking for. The best part is it's totally free! It's a neat tool to add to the side of your blog to enhance your readers' experience.

I wanted to share this great widget that I found today with all of you. And... if you're not yet stumbling upon, you need to get started! What a great way to find interesting Websites and content!

I can feel the chains breaking

Short and Sweet.

Campaigns will be over this week. I am starting to feel my freedom. I'll post after presentations.

almost done... almost done... almost done... heeeeccccckkkkkk yes. real world here I come.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Spoke too soon

When I wrote my last post, I had yet to hear back from SPM Communications, but I spoke too soon. I received an email on Thursday evening informing me that I had been selected as a finalist for the Katelyn Collier Internship. I was so excited! I had my second phone interview today with Katelyn, the person who the internship is named after. I should hear back from them soon. I'll keep you posted.

On another note, I am home tonight to enjoy some fried morels that my dad found. I love family dinners. I brought Macy home with me. She ran around outside for a little while, and now she is all tuckered out.

I plan on editing some of the plans book tonight. Wild Friday night, right? I guess that's how things go when you're in the last month of your senior year.

OK, Adios amigos. Hasta luego.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reality countdown...

Well this will be short, as I have to write a 2-page essay on W.E.B. DuBois' lasting influence on today's society, but I wanted to give you all a quick update on me!

I've been getting a little worried about this ever-so-quickly approaching graduation date of mine. Just 24 days until I am a GRADUATE of the University of Kansas. Wow, that is bizarre. I know most of you understand this feeling as you felt it not that long ago... talk about weird. I will no longer say I am a student, which is what I've said for well... the past 17 years or so. I'll always be a student in some way or another, but I will not be enrolled. That being said... I'M READY FOR A CHANGE!

I interviewed with SPM Communications, a Dallas PR Agency, for an internship. I really admire the company. It has a really unique culture that I would love to be a part of. However, I know they've done a second interview with at least one of the interviewees, and I haven't heard back. No news is sometimes good news so I'm keeping my head up. As my mom said, it's only my first interview.

Alright, that's about it.

For those of you that care.... My dauger is better than ever! She's fully recovered now, and I really think the doggy acupuncture made her feel a lot better than before. Here she is... sticking her tongue out at YOU!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's been a while...

But more has happened than you think.

I've been a super busy bee for the last month. I went on my final Spring Break, my dauger ran away and was hit by a car, I worked my tail off for campaigns, I spoke with HR at VZW about potential jobs, and I did my normal routine.

I'll start with what was most devastating. Macy dog got hit by a car! No worries, she's OK (otherwise I'd still be in mourning), but it was scary. Let me backtrack a bit... On Friday, March 26th, I had plans to go out with my BFFs from HS Amanda and Nicci. However, those plans were cut awfully short when I got a call that said Macy had ran away. I sped to Blake's apartment as fast as I could just hoping not to see Macy injured on the way, and was informed upon my arrival that she had darted so fast no one had any idea where she had gone. So I drove around for an hour or so but to no avail. I finally retired and attempted to get a little rest.

In the A.M., I decided I'd check the Lawrence Humane Society. I called, and they checked the found reports and told me they thought they had her. Sure enough, it was Macy. She ran to the Beverely Hills of Lawrence, Kan. (Did I just write in AP style on my blog? I'm such a journalist) A kid in HS had seen Macy in the street, and he and his family took her in for the night. I'm so thankful! OK, so that was great.... but that's not the end.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention earlier that I got sick last month, too. So I went to work the following Monday, but I wasn't feelin' so hot. Well maybe I should say I was feelin' reallly hot, like fever hot. So my manager told me I needed to go to the Dr. to see what was wrong. While in the waiting room, I got the call of doooooom. That's the call that said Macy had been hit by a car and that she was peeing blood. I damn near had a heart attack. I thought for sure she was a goner. Little ol' Macy dog gettin' hit by a car doing 40.

After I saw the Doc, I was told to go home and rest. When I got home, Macy was all swollen and covered in blood, which reinforced my negative attitude. Lucky for me, I have a fantastic bf that makes me feel better when I'm sad. Blake came home and told me that everything was going to be OK and that Macy was a tough girl. After I spoke with the vet, I decided to take his advice and wait until the A.M. to take her in. That evening she stopped peeing blood and the swelling went down, so I didn't take her to the vet the next day, but I assure you, she was treated like a queen on her deathbed. It was the next day that the sad news came. Wednesday morning she couldn't walk. Well, her front legs did but her back legs, not so much. I had to take her home that day anyways as I was leaving for CO the next day (oh yeah, I was also on a national no-fly list last month) so I took her to my mom's and she took her to our vet for me while I was at work and school. Turns out, Macy is abnormal and has something weird goin on with her spine. In the end, she had to get doggie accupuncture and she's all better now.

OK, sorry about the detail. I know no one cares about Macy girl like I do, but keep in mind she is my dauger.

Now for the fun stuff. I WENT ON SPRING BREAK TO PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL AND HAD SO MUCH FUN! I went with my friend Katy Saunders, her friend from VA, my roomates and our friends. Katy and I drove down with Glenda, the GPS. It was an awesome trip. We had sooo much fun driving, stopping in local businesses and searching for locally brewed beers for Katy's bottle cap map. We also had a little troubs in PCB. The booking agency we used, which I will not name, did not reserve our rooms with the hotel. So, when we arrived, we were told we had no place to stay. After several hours of being jostled around, they found us a place to stay, but we had to split up into two rooms. I'd say we went from Hilton-esque to Super 8. The girls we were with complained a lot about it, but Katy, Alex (her friend) and I just laughed it off and headed to Coyote Ugly. Our hotel ended up being awesome for SB. Everyone there was so much fun, and we had free beer from 12-2 and a liquor store in the lobby. While I was there, I couldn't help but watch the way people were drinking. I was inherently doing ethnographic research for campaigns... It has fully consumed me! Well, I have lots of other funny things to say about the trip, but no one seems to think they're quite as funny as those of us that were on the trip. Oh, I will say I can cross being buried in the sand off my Bucket List.

On to the next thing... CAMPAIGNS! Well, my team is phenomenal to say the least. Pink Team fo' life, baby! We all work so well together, I couldn't ask for a better team. I'd say we are really fortunate seeing as how we didn't all know each other coming into the class. Everyone is a team player and a hard worker. We've been busting our tails trying to avoid the week full of all-nighters that seems to be inevitable. We present on 5/5 so it's quickly coming to an end. I'm sure my next post will be all about campaigns, seeing as that's what my life's all about these days, so I'll leave this here.

HR. Well I spoke with HR at VZW and didn't get good news. I basically heard that it would be possible to get into Marketing there, but it would take a few more years at my current location. I have decided that is not the route I want to take, so I have been exploring other career options. I have an interview with SPM Communications in Dallas, TX, for a 3-6 month internship on Friday. I am really excited about it. I've read about them before, but I am reading more and more about the company and I really like what they do. I mean, they do PR for food. I'm perfect, right? My family and close friends know the answer to that question.

OK, I am going to hit the sack. Long day tomorrow. I'll post more often, I promise.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mid-Semester Crisis

Wow... I've never had this intense of a week for midterms, ever I don't think. I have a HUGE midterm for my Western Civilization class that is just utterly unbearable. I am studing now. I cannot wait until 11 AM tomorrow. I'll be allll done with it :)

On a lighter note, I'm staying at home this week to babysit Aubby because my parents are in PUERTO RICO. Bomb, I know! Katie is with her boyfriend, Jimmy, in uhh, well Mexico. I'm not entirely sure which town. What I am sure about is that her pictures that she's sent are beautiful, and I was once again reminded of how small the world truly is. Katie shows up to her resort in MX and when they sit down at the bar for a drink, she literally recognizes the bartender. Yes, it is the same bartender that served us at our resort in Cancun over NYE '08 (which will go down in history as the best new years of my life, thumbs up senor frogs).

Well, this has been a nice study break. Thanks for tuning in. I'll be back next time with more interesting stuff.

Oh yeah, I am now the resident expert on CSU for Campaigns. That means that I will get to travel to CSU to observe its implementation of a plan to curb toxic drinking. Also, we got scooped. LJ World did a piece on UNL's drinking campaign which we were using. Low blow, right? Oh well, we will rise above (and go beyond) that :)

Happy new jobs and vacations to all my followers :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Doin' Big Things

If there is anyone that makes me more excited about who I am, it's Diane O'Byrne. She is my professional presentation skills professor, and every time I talk to her, she makes me feel so much better about my job search. She reminds me that I do have real-world experience, which can be far more relevant than internships, and that I am basically a highly-desirable employee for any company. WOO HOO! Someone else thinks I am as awesome as I do. Just kidding, sort of. Such s relief.

I just gave a 10 minute presentation about... ME! It was basically a brief history of Val Gunn. I used Keynote (basically PPT for Macs) for the first time, and I liked it a lot! Diane mentioned to me a few opportunities she thinks I would be good for, and I am going to get more info from her. She also asked me to introduce our guest speaker for next week's class because she will not be there. She said she really wants me to meet him because he is a great contact. She warned me that he will probably try to hire me. HELLO?! Please do! I'll keep you posted.

Let me tell you about Campaigns. PINK TEAM FO' LIFE, BABY! I really like my team. We work so well together, and I am soooooo grateful for that. We have just been generating more and more ideas and building off of each others' ideas. I am so excited. Like you said Drea, it really is kind of an internship in and of itself. I feel like I am really getting prepared for real work, which I love. Today we are meeting with Kerry Benson! And for those of you that know her, exciting, right?! BTW, she follows me on Twitter. How bomb is that? BOMB!

Okay, I have to do some message delivery research. Adios Amigos.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Graduation... Good? Yes? No? IDK!

Kyle Hoedl just spoke to my Professional Presentation Skills class on ow to use social media to market yourself to potential employers. While he provided some great information, he stressed me out! I know that internships are great, and I know that they provide real world experience, which is what employers are looking for. I get it. But what about those of us that have actually worked to put ourselves through school? I haven't had an internship, but I do have 3 years of hard work in the real world. Where does that put me in the job search? It is so disheartening to hear that not only do you have to have an internship to get a job, but now you have to have an internship to get an internship! How do you start any more? Well I'm starting by working hard in school and at my job. I am applying for several Marketing positions within Verizon so wish me luck! They are both great opportunities. I am qualified for both, and I know the industry well. I'm looking forward to a response.

As for the rest of my day, I have another campaigns meeting. I filled in for Bre today and met with the Planning Directors today to compile research into our Fact Books. That was fun to see what the other functional groups are doing. We have a lot of research. I am excited about our final product. Tonight I am meeting with the Pink Team for the first time. We're meeting at my place so I have to run and get some juice/pop/cookies so I can be a good hostess. I am excited to start working as a team.

This semester is lots of work but so much fun at the same time. I know I am getting prepared for the real world, and that's why I am enjoying it! I also encourage everyone to get a Twitter. I love social media.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Expensive Week

Yes, I got a speeding ticket. No, I am not happy about it. I got it Friday night on Mass. Street. I was going 40 in a 30.... yes, I know it sounds like I was totally being a speed demon, but it's so easy right there! I know two other people that have gotten tickets in the same spot... I mean, why is there a 30 mph speed limit on a four lane road? No good reason.... Oh well, I am just going to consider it a donation to the City.

I'm still getting used to this computer. These 'hot corners' things are a bit touchy but useful. I've been watching some tutorials on cs4, but I don't have any pictures on here so I've yet to actually try anything out. Money well spent, right? I am working out a way to get all of my info and pictures transferred off of my old computer, well... let's say previous computer because she isn't really old... and onto this new computer so I can edit pics and post!

Speaking of pictures, I took some cute ones of Macy to post on here.... However I always forget my dad has an xD memory card and not SD. That means I couldn't transfer the pics onto my computer to show you. Have no fear though, I'll take more. I really am in love with this little girl. I am now calling her my dauger... get it? Hahaha, yeah, I'm a little creepy, but I can't help it. Macy is starting to like Blake more and more, and well, I'd like to think she's making progress with Jon.

Tangent: Is it normal to name inanimate objects? Tangent #2: Is a car considered an inanimate object? I mean, it does move. And according to my parents, sometimes they move on their own without any provocation (that's how my car was allegedly wrecked into the trees at my parents').
OK, back to T1. Today at work I was mentioning how LaFonda the Honda does great in the snow, and then came the conversation about whether or not it's normal to name things like cars, phones, computers, etc. I thought it was normal, but then I thought it could just be one of those weird things my sister and I did/do. A HS-aged girl was there, and she said that all her friends had their cars named so I thought it may be a generational thing.... but some of my co-workers thought that was totally off seeing as they "would never name a car." So the question remains... is it normal?
Brody Jenner thinks so. Mid-convo at work, Twitter came to my aid.... Mr. Jenner tweeted about naming his new '68 Charger (if my memory serves me).. proving that people do, in fact, name their cars.... even boys... semi-famous boys....

Also, here's another rant of mine. Okay, Zarate sisters, don't be mad.... What is up with Kim Kardashian being the executive producer of a TV show??? Now, I may be a bit biased, but come on! There are so many people that are working so hard to get a job like that that are quite possibly more qualified, and she gets it. Yes, Blake's major is probably skewing my opinion, but I just think it's a bit ridic. I actually saw and article/comment (I get my info all mixed up these days) about how the Kardashian girls have just been working SOOOO hard, and that their hardwork is finally paying off for them... Now, feel free to scold me, but get real. I would love to travel around and make appearances all over the country... I don't know if I'd call that hard work though... OK, I'm done.

Well, I must say thanks to Andrea for tipping me off to a great new site that helps me personalize my blog. Decisions, decisions I must say. Also, everyone should follow my Mom's blog because she's the bomb. And if she has followers, she'll HAVE to update!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mac the Computer

Today I am welcoming Mac into my life. Mac my new computer that is. My other computer has been having a few issues lately, and yesterday my power cord officially kicked the bucket. Today I bought my first Mac. I got a MacBook Pro and so far I am liking it. It's a change, but I'm not entirely Mac illiterate. I got Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium which includes InDesign, Photoshop and Dreamweaver among other things. I hope to take an hour a week to play around on these so I am a pro by the time I am a graduate.

That's all for now. I just had to share.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to Blogging

Hello there.

I am back in the blogosphere! My blog may or may not be as exciting as before.... seeing as I am in America this time! Have no fear, life through my eyes is never boring. Hopefully my blog will help you see that.

I have my best friend Lisa to thank for this blog. Yes you, Lisa. Though she doesn't know it, she is the reason I just started up this blog. I was reading her blog about moving to NYC and wanted to comment on it. However, I didn't want to do so anonymously. My course of action was to start my own blog. So, thanks Lisa. (She can't take all the credit though. I have been considering starting a blog, she just gave me no choice.)

My current situation is as follows. I am graduating in May. My current course load is a little heavier than usual, but I am loving it. I am excited/anxious/taken aback by my fast-approaching graduation date. I can't believe these last four years have flown by so fast. It's been a treat though, I have to say. I am looking for jobs all over the country right now. I've been conjuring up plans with Lisa to move to NYC, dreaming of moving to Chicago, and considering staying right here at home. At this point in time, my life has no real direction which is exciting and a bit unnerving. I'm realizing though, that I will be successful wherever I land. It just may take me a little longer than I'd like to land there.

OK, now for the great news! I got a new dog named Macy that is the current love of my life. I will post pictures as soon as I have some on my camera. My cell phone is making all other cameras in my life obsolete, but I'll have to get back in photographer mode so you all can see my little girl. Yes, I am a bit obsessed. She is my baby. Macy's story is a bit unique. She was bought by my boyfriend Blake's roommate, Jon. He really wanted a dog at the time, and I wanted the perks of a dog without the commitment seeing as my life has no direction as stated above. Well, we adopted Macy, and I was going to be the stepmom. That didn't necessarily work out. Macy quickly became attached to me (I think it's because I love her the most), and so I have become her official adoptive mother.

The really interesting thing though is not only did she become attached to me, she is literally petrified of Jon. I have never seen anything quite like it. She is scared to death when he is around, but he's never hit her or anything.... We are working to correct it, but it's a work in progress to say the least. The guys say that her personality changes completely when I am around. She gets so excited when I come home, and that's what I love the most. Blake is becoming more attached to her too. I think it is so cute that he loves her, and it makes me love him even more.

Okay, that's my background for now. I'll update soon.